Work Group 3
TIGER Staff Development & Continuing Education Collaborative
Working together using this wiki
This wiki is a shared online whiteboard that allows the entire group to easily share information to each other and other TIGER collaborative team members. The material on the wiki should be considered to be in draft format and will be published on the TIGER website at upon completion.Objectives
Activities of Work Group 3
This group will complete a comprehensive literature review to collect case studies, practice examples, and models of innovative and effective staff development programs within nursing, healthcare and other industries that can be tested and replicated.
Group members
- Joan Kiel (facilitator)
- Rebecca Duncan
- Kelly Hammons
- Christine A. Hudak
- Josette Jones
- Lisa Rabideau
- Pamela Sherwill-Navarro
- Patricia Hinton Walker
- Cheryl Fisher
Literature Searches
Search Results for informatio literacy and cont. ed.doc
12/31/07 from Lisa Rabideau:
lit search 12-07.doc
2/22/08 I have synthesized the 2 literature searches into an access database so we can sort the articles. I also categorized them by themes. Feel free to revise the theme categories to better suit our needs. Articles without themes listed didn't have a abstract so I wasn't sure of content. I can't seem to upload it as an access file, so I'll just put it in table format. Lisa R
SD lit search.rtf
3/3/08 Provided by Karen Baron
5/22/08- I have sythesized the articles from the literature searches posted and placed them in an excel spreadsheet. I have also updated the literature review document whith abstracts when I could find them. The complete citations are in the Word document. The excel file is sorted by author and by theme. Lisa R.
Lit search synthesis 5-08.doc
Lit review sythesis.xls
6/17/08 - Updated literature analysis document
Updated Literature Synthesis_Topic.xls that uses the following key topics:
TIGER Staff Development WG#2 (Competencies) and WG#3 (Literature Review) Teams,
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the effort to develop a portion of the summary from the literature review and case studies collected to date. The assignments are listed below. There are 11 key topics that we intend to summarize, and provide examples with case studies, if applicable.
The documents attached are described:
1. Updated_Literature_Synthesis_Topic_assignments.xls - this is the spreadsheet that categorizes the articles by topic. Use the worksheet labeled "Sort by topic". Column A of the spreadsheet is the unique identifier for the articles that you'll want to reference, as in the example supplied (called "HumanFactorsEngineeering_MH.doc")
2. Lit searc synthesis 5-08.doc includes the abstracts for the articles. These are not arranged in any particular order, so you'll probably want to do a search for the author to find the article.
3. Additional articles that were listed as "no abstract" on the spreadsheet are available in the TIGER Review of Literature_no abstracts.doc document.
4. The example of what we are looking for is HumanFactorsEngineeering_MH.doc. This document just pulls out bullet points of key points, key benefits, key principles or strategies, and we could add a 4th title called "Recommendations", in the event that any jump out at you while writing up the summary. Don't worry about narrative language at this point, we are mostly focused on pulling out the key points.
If you need the article, and do not have access to the article, please email so that we can obtain it for you. Finally, our target date to complete each section is August 1, 2008, so that we have enough time to attach the case studies and to write the summary reports.
Assignments by section:
3. Computer literacy - competencies - assigned to Diane Heine
4. Information literacy - competencies - Josette Jones
5. Information management - competencies - Josette Jones
10. Program delivery type - Liz Johnson
11. Workforce readiness - Liz Johnson
Next meeting:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 2 p.m. EDT
May 21, 2008 at 2 p.m. EDT
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