Working together using this wikiThis wiki is a shared online whiteboard that allows the entire group to easily share information to each other and other TIGER collaborative team members. The material on the wiki should be considered to be in draft format and will be published on the TIGER website at upon completion.
Activities of Work Group 1This team is collecting case studies, practice examples, and innovative models of staff development programs in the following areas:
This team will categorize these models (e.g., web-based, face-to-face, etc.)
Group members
ResourcesLink to survey to send via email:
Case study request:Please complete the following form (as much as possible):
Please send completed form to the following email address: by May 15, 2008.
Case study submissions to date:
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 12 noon EDT/11 a.m. CDT/10 a.m. MDT/9 a.m. PDT Please register to join the Webinar at:
Meeting Archive:November 5, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern
December 14, 2007 at 11 a.m. Eastern Notes: Attended by Liz Johnson and Cheryl Fisher. Discussed the 89 responses collected to date from the survey - over 60% from the long term care environment (Thanks to Nancy Robinson!). Cheryl agreed to post a link to the survey on list for research hospitals. Donna will divide up the survey responses and email out to members of WG1 to evaluate who should be contacted for further information. We will use the Case Study request form provided by Rob Campbell to request further information from respondents. Cheryl posted the results of her literature review on WG3. Also will request literature review post from Pat Hinton Walker. Next meeting for WG1 is scheduled for January 10, 2008 and we plan to review the results from survey interviews.
January 30, 2008 – 4 p.m. Eastern Conference Call: 1-866-516-5393; passcode 12859321
February 14, 2008 – 1 p.m. Eastern (*Note time change from 12 noon Eastern) Conference Call: 1-866-516-5393; passcode 12859321
April 1, 2008 at 2-3 p.m. EDT Notes: Present Liz Johnson, Ann Barton, Ken Bowman, Kay Lytle and Donna DuLong Have only received three case studies to date (see spreadsheet below). Decided to move the deadline to receive case studies to May 15, 2008 - document on wiki updated accordingly. Assignments were reviewed and made to contact the remainder of the assignments on the case study spreadsheet (sent via email to WG#1). Will have next meeting on April 21, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. CDT to check on status. Ken offered to help distribute a case study request at the upcoming ANIA/CARING Annual Conference in Washington DC on April 18-19th.
DraftsSummary Survey results to date - posted 01/22/2008
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