Work Group 1
TIGER Staff Development & Continuing Education Collaboartive
Working together using this wiki
This wiki is a shared online whiteboard that allows the entire group to easily share information to each other and other TIGER collaborative team members. The material on the wiki should be considered to be in draft format and will be published on the TIGER website at upon completion.
Activities of Work Group 1
This team is collecting case studies, practice examples, and innovative models of staff development programs in the following areas:
within nursing
within healthcare
within other industries
This team will categorize these models (e.g., web-based, face-to-face, etc.)
Group members
- Liz Johnson - Facilitator
- Ken Bowman
- Kandis Gillis
- Diane Heine
- Sylvia Suszka Hildebrand
- Josette Jones
- Kay Lytle
- Nancy Robinson
- Stacey Reibsome
- Julie Barton
November 5, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern
December 7, 2007 at 10 a.m. Eastern
Please join the meeting at
Conference Call: 1-866-516-5393; passcode 12859321
Meeting ID: 743-844-193
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